For many vacation rental companies around the country, fall is the season when visitation starts to wind down. And although cold-weather destinations will be hopping all year long, the wintertime provides a number of companies with an opportunity to take a breather, and focus on how to make the next summer season the best one yet.
So if you experience a bit of a lull when the summer season fades and the wintertime approaches, here are a few ideas for ensuring that your off-season can be your most productive season yet.
Garner a bit of insight into the numbers that affect your bottom line
LSI Tools has two unique products that help you take a closer look at your numbers, and transform the data you already have into actionable plans to increase revenue – Rental Insight, and VRM Insights. While VRM Insights allows you to track your company’s performance to local, regional, and national markets, Rental Insights digs even deeper to help you find weeks, properties, and other areas of your business that could use a boost. With in-depth reporting and even daily, weekly, and annual summaries at your fingertips, Rental Insight is one of the most complete data mining tools on the market.
Check in on your properties
The off-season is also an ideal time to check in and examine your vacation rental properties, especially if you are in a seasonal destination where the wintertime means lots of vacancies. Use LSI’s Survey Tool to help create easy online forms that can be filled in from a mobile device while on the go, and do an in-depth inspection of your homes to ensure they meet your high standards. (Bonus – Owners will love your initiative!)
Encourage guests to book for next year!
Reminding your guests that the winter is the perfect time to make their 2020 reservation is easier than you’d think, thanks to handy software tools like LSI’s ResMail Pro. Using the Departure 2 letter, you can automatically send an email to all of your guests up to six months after their departure to remind them that their next vacation is waiting… all without lifting a finger!
Check out what’s new at LSI Tools!
At LSI, we are always working on enhancing our existing tools, and coming up with new products that are designed to take your vacation rental company to the next level. And the slower and calmer times of year are a great time to schedule a demo and see what you’ve been missing! Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to have a more in-depth conversation on tools that can help you boost your business. From management to marketing, housekeeping to owner or guest communications, there’s like a tool or two, 9or 12) that will help you be more efficient and profitable than ever before when 2020 rolls around.